Testimonials by program

Emma J.
June 19, 2024

I feel much more self-worth and satisfaction, I’m doing the best I can, and I’m allowed to give myself grace on days that are a little less predictable. This program has completely changed my life, and I can’t thank Abby enough for supporting me. I feel like my diabetes is a small part of me now, rather than this daunting, depressing cloud. I’m not constantly battling against my numbers now.

Tara S.
May 5, 2024

Abby helped me to still manage my Diabetes in the best way possible. I no longer see myself as a victim, and I was able to set boundaries with my family members so that I can be the only one making decisions about my health. I also don’t feel that I’m alone anymore. Moreover, I feel proud of my efforts and progress because during my coaching sessions, so many factors changed in my life, including my routine, my workplace, my commute and my time of meals.

Kate G.
December 1, 2023

Before I found Risely, I was just so lost. I had no clue what I was doing, and I didn't know who to ask. I'm a single adult woman in her 30s - my mom passed recently. It was almost 90 days from initial discovery (Feb 28) to finally meet with my endo (May 25) and get the T1D diagnosis and get access to a CGM and fast-acting insulin. I can not stress enough that I had no idea what I was doing. No one even taught me how to give myself an injection. 

Working 1-1 with Meg for the past three months has been the most impactful thing I have done since my diagnosis. She was a mentor, a coach, a confidant, a cheerleader, and a friend. It felt like she really understood where I was coming from with all the things. Meg knows it and lives it every day, just like I do. The ongoing access to Meg was HUGE, and that's not something I had with my endo or the diabetes educator they assigned to me. I was able to get real-time feedback from her regularly throughout the week. We would identify something to work on, and then I could report back my results, we'd brainstorm potential solutions, and then the next day I'd try it again and report back. THIS is how substantial change happened. THIS is how I grew in confidence with my diabetes management. The stark contrast to working with my endo was "here is the plan, let's check back in 90 days with how it went and make adjustments from there." WILD. I felt so completely lost and working with Meg on a high-touch, consistent basis is what helped me find my way. After completing coaching, I feel free. I feel empowered. I feel like I'm getting my life back. I feel confident to make my own decisions when it comes to daily T1D maintenance.

THIS IS YOUR SIGN, just do it! Do you want to feel more in control of your T1D vs it controlling you? Do you want to feel free? Do you want to improve [insert thing here: A1C, TIR, your relationship to food/exercise/yourself, etc]? Do you want more than just ~20 min of support from your endo every 90 days? Do you want real, tangible solutions to the challenges that T1D presents you with? Do you want to live a healthy, fulfilled life with balance and abundance vs chaos and restriction? Then yeah, you should do it.

Ana K.
October 25, 2023

I went into this coaching program so frustrated. I had never felt so drained with my diabetes, even after 13 years of living with it and having 5 siblings who have T1D too. On top of this, the one thing I could always rely on for an outlet was working out, or at least I thought so. And once my diabetes starting affecting my exercise and made working out feel like more of a stressor than anything, I knew I had to do something to make a change. Having a someone to talk to who not only has diabetes and understands what I'm going through, but who knows how to help me too, was life changing. Meg actually did understand what I was talking about, and made me feel understood. For the first time in a long time, it didn't feel like a burden to talk about or even manage my diabetes.

Prior to coaching, my biggest challenge was exercising and diabetes; I was so frustrated and working out felt like more of a stressor than an outlet. With Meg's support, I have learned how to make the different modes on my omni pod work for me during my workouts; activity mode, suspending it if needed, all during my workouts. Working out finally feels like a stress reliever, not a burden. On top of working through my specific struggles with T1D, I think the biggest thing I gained from coaching was the way my mindset shifted towards my diabetes. I went into this coaching so frustrated, and now I look at each thing that goes wrong as a learning experience. I question why it happened instead of getting frustrated. Instead of getting frustrated, I get curious!! . I found this program so beneficial, and honestly, at first I was a little hesitant, but I am BEYOND grateful now. I can see the shift in my mindset towards diabetes, which is amazing to me. I LOVED this. Now that I've completed coaching, I have had a whole mindset and perspective shift on life with diabetes. Like we are so much more than diabetes, but it is who we are in a way. We have to find ways to make the way we manage our diabetes work for us. I have come a long way on accepting my diabetes and I am honestly not all the way there YET (and that's ok). I am excited to share everything I have learned with my siblings and the diabetes community, because everyone needs to hear what Risely taught me. I hope that every person who has type one diabetes finds Risely and gives coaching a chance, because I think you'll be surprised by how much it changes your life too.

Emily M.
October 24, 2023

I applied for coaching because I was struggling with feeling confident in managing my diabetes the way I was supposed to, or HOW I was even supposed to. I felt very lost and that things were out of my control. Now, I realize that everyone manages their diabetes differently in a way that works for them. There is more than one way to get to the same destination. I found the way that works for me that I am most happy with at this point in my life. The coaches and team actually have T1D!! That is the key difference in my experience. To be able to relate and understand each other on that level is half of what makes this coaching experience so incredibly helpful. The thing I valued most was having someone every other week who I knew would listen and understand when I needed to rant about diabetes, who I knew would be a trustworthy and reliable resource who could offer advice and give tips when I was lost or stuck, and who would also celebrate my victories with me. Emily was the best coach and I give her major props for always listening to my rants and dealing with my scatterbrained self with grace and patience!!

I now have a toolbox of knowledge, tips, and tricks that I will carry with me that has made me feel so much more confident in my ability to manage my diabetes. I feel in control now. If you are thinking about coaching, I encourage you to do it because It’s so much more than meeting with someone to get advice. It’s therapeutic in a way speaking to someone who truly understands your struggles, and having someone relate to you in itself is sometimes the best help that you didn’t realize you needed.

Bethany M.
October 6, 2023

Prior to coaching, my absolute biggest challenge was fear of fast act insulin and the high anxiety I felt around it. Now that I've completed the program, I feel much more confident with using my fast acting insulin for corrections. My coach Stacy broke it down into small incremental changes which was just what I needed to make me feel comfortable overcoming this fear. My experience with 1:1 coaching was great, and empowering from the beginning to the end. What I valued most about the program was truly having Stacy as my coach. Her demeanor and knowledge were exactly what I needed in a coach and her gentle guidance is why I feel like I had success in my coaching program. Stacy was able to hone in on specific patterns and situations and help me develop everyday strategies I was comfortable with implementing. If you are thinking about coaching, it is so worth it! Stacy is the best and so skilled in what she does. I am so thankful for her.

Mayra N.
September 19, 2023

Since the first moment when I met Abby in the enrollment call, I felt so supported that I just prayed to get in the program. Then when the opportunity came to start the program, and I met my coach Jehan, and everything was just amazing. My life changed since day 1. I felt the support, I felt for the first time in a long, long time that someone understood exactly what where my struggles (even though each life is different), I felt that I had hope in my life again. During the process I was afraid I wouldn't make it, because I was not capable of changing so many things that where bad, but as time passed I gain back confidence and by the end I couldn't believe how long I went in such a short time. Jehan made me feel understood, loved, and appreciated for who I am no matter what. When I started everything was so black (I was diagnosed with retinopathy, I had a neuropathic crisis that made me difficult walking, I had a very bad anemia, my diabetes management was a disaster, etc.), and Jehan was such a great support at each step, she was beside me, helping me to go through each struggle that was presented, teaching me how to go through with patience, not seeking perfection but progress, celebrating with me each achievement. And even though I know that I still need to go through many more things, learn more, do more...I can now say I am on the correct road and in control of my life.

During coaching with Risely, you look at diabetes in a comprehensive way, you don't just focus just on the numbers, but on all those other aspects of daily life that make diabetes management complicated. You take the time to explore what we don't know or are doing wrong and then give us all that knowledge we need. At Risely you empower us so that we can make the best decisions, you teach us how to think and analyze different circumstances, so that we can take the control of our lives. But above all, you teach us that we can live with diabetes without feeling limited by it, to celebrate every achievement and see the positive side even in the moments that are not the best. You teach diabetes management in an holistic way. Out of everything I valued from this program, one thing I will always remember is to keep reminding myself "progress not perfection",and I think from now on it will be my way of living. The program gave me the hope that I was missing, it taught me that you can find the way of living free with diabetes. That living wit T1D is not a death sentence. Another thing that is so valuable for me is getting to accept me, learning the power of celebrating each achievement, no matter how small or big it is, and learning that T1D is part of my life but it doesn't define who I am.

I would tell anyone that is even slightly considering to apply for coaching that you should, I know you won't have regrets. This program helps you not just with the diabetes management, but shows you how to live, and that is priceless. If we are able to have the control of our live and gain back your hope, happiness, peace of mind, health... if you have all that back you can dream again and conquer what you wish. It takes a personal commitment, but each minute is worth it.

Cille F.
September 16, 2023

The challenge that led me to apply for coaching was my struggle with insulin sensitivity/resistance. Now that I've completed the program, I actually feel confident in my diabetes management. One of the aspects of the coaching that I valued most was that I felt like it was easier to relate with my coach because they have T1D. They were able to help me based on things they have been through and understand the struggles sometimes. My coach supported me and worked through every problem I had together. 1:1 coaching is 100% worth your time, and if you are debating applying, I have no doubt you will benefit too.

Jamie F.
September 14, 2023

Prior to coaching, my biggest challenge was intense frustration over an inability to recognize patterns or make meaningful changes to my diabetes management, despite being a physician who cares for kids with T1D. It made me feel ashamed and embarrassed. 1:1 coaching allows you to explore, without judgement, the things that not only impact your diabetes and blood sugars, but the way those things make you feel, and how they show up in your life. In the past, I have been told to just not "be so hard on myself," which wasn't helpful in the face of data that shows improved control decreases complication risk. In coaching, I was able to dive into how my thoughts about having diabetes, and not my diabetes "knowledge," impacted my actions and how I cared for myself. Another aspect that was huge for me was establishing a relationship with a coach that I trusted. Much of that trust stemmed from Lauren's own lived experiences, but at the same time, I also felt like she was "on my team" and a partner in this experience.

Coaching gave me permission to look at T1D beyond what I knew, and to acknowledge the thoughts (driven by shame and embarrassment) that I had about myself and about diabetes that were not serving me. I feel more confident, relaxed, and encouraged that change is possible, and that I am capable of continuing to focus on those habits that are serving me even after coaching is finished. It gave me a space to acknowledge that there was room for improvement without the shame of not being able to do it on my own.

If you are on the fence about coaching, I would tell you that it's ok (and honestly, super important) to give yourself permission to invest in yourself. I approached this as a "let's see what will happen, I've tried everything else..." without wanting to hope too much that anything would change because I had not been able to make changes in the past. I have a renewed sense of energy, lightness, and excitement about the future that I haven't had in a quite a while.

Jerry M.
September 14, 2023

I was someone who felt I was 90% of the way to mastering diabetes. I was hesitant to enroll because I thought I didn't have much to learn and I was already doing most of the right things. I may have been on the right track, but Risely provided me with a more concrete framework that reframed how I viewed my management and refined my approach. This program provides personalized, intimate, consistent and continual guidance versus doctors which are periodic and typically cookie-cutter, impersonal visits. Risely also heavily focuses on perception and mindset versus endocrinologists who focus heavily on numbers. I valued the challenges to my mindset and perception, which forced me to reflect on my approach and strategies and truly understand why and how my body and blood sugar was reacting to certain stimuli and situations. My coach Meg did not always give me direct answers but asked to me try to think for myself on how I should approach a situation or why my sugars might have been high/low during certain times. While this was extremely challenging, it was necessary and helpful to build a foundation for reflection and strategizing that I can use beyond the 3-month program.

This was not something I could have done by myself, no matter how much research, exercise or dieting that I tried and I truly believe Risely was the only way for me to achieve this level of understanding and change of mindset. I cannot thank Risely enough for the work they are all doing. It was truly inspirational and I don't say that lightly. I think daily of how I can make an impact in this world and I can only hope to emulate what these people are doing. This disease has plagued me for 25 years and it has taken me that long to realize that our health is the most important thing in our lives - Risely is helping people live to their fullest potential and that is not something you should take lightly.

Joe C.
September 8, 2023

Prior to coaching, I was struggling with certain aspects of diabetes, and I really had nowhere to start as far as a solution went. I was provided more guidance in these coaching sessions, in the last 9 months, than I've had from endocrinologists over the past 9 years. Another aspect that I valued about the course was the ability to reach out in between sessions with questions, problem solving ability, and knowledge of the hurdles I was experiencing. I felt empowered to be able to make decisions that were going to help me, and I understood how and why. Now that I've completed the program, I feel like I have the knowledge to obtain the results I want, and enough practice implementing what I learned, to be successful. I honestly could not recommend it enough. It completely changed the way I approach diabetes.

Hannah E.
August 16, 2023

I was looking for a mindset shift, where most doctors just try to help with what to do, not the mindset of switching, which is why I applied for coaching.I did know medically what I needed to do but I didn’t feel like I had the time or the capacity to change for the better and I was feeling frustrated that I wasn’t changing even though I wanted to. During coaching, Brooke guided me through all these steps of patterns, mindsets, and so many other personalized things that provided me with the understanding of diabetes I’ve been looking for. 

I’m excited that now that I’m back at work I can practice what I’ve done over the summer and also continue coaching. I feel that I’ve learned a lot and I’ve done a lot and my numbers and my time and range are proving that. But I’m also feeling more self-aware and reflective about my diabetes on a given day and that I can change strategies throughout the day depending on what’s going on. After coaching, I’m definitely feeling more empowered, confident, and less structured but more structured at the same time. You have to get uncomfortable and vulnerable with this program because you’re reframing your mind to do what’s best for your body and if you’re not honest and vulnerable with yourself and with your coach, it’s not gonna work. But it is so easy to do that because all of your coaches are diabetic, and they understand the disease and what you’re going through. They are not those like perfect diabetics that always have great numbers, they are able to empathize with your struggles and truly understand. It’s worth investing because YOU are worth investing in! 

Erin H.
August 1, 2023

Before coaching, my biggest challenge was staying in range, and not knowing practically anything about T1D. I felt overwhelmed and anxious on how to deal with the new diagnosis. I felt completely in the dark about a lot of things regarding T1D, and Emily not only taught me so many things, but also made me feel validated for all of the feelings I was having. I learned so much, not only about diabetes knowledge, but about personal mindset and growth. Now that I’ve completed coaching, I am now using an insulin pump, my a1c is down to 6.9, and my TIR has increased to 93%! I feel like I can properly manage T1D, and I know I have all of the right tools to help me do so. If you are debating coaching, you should absolutely do it. We do not get enough information or help from our endos.

Maggie M.
July 13, 2023

Throughout my 1:1 coaching, I’ve gotten to know Megan as a friend while other doctors are just there to do their job. One of our main focuses was learning about how we can incorporate new T1D methods into my life activities. We made realistic goals and helped work to make sure I was on top of my blood sugar more often. Through coaching, I learned solid routines and habits, gained confidence, improvements in my numbers, knowledge, and so much more that has helped me grow in my relationship with T1D. I want to see a lot of coaches as nice and comforting as Megan. Now I feel more confident in my methods and playing sports is easier. If you are thinking about coaching I would tell you that you should do it, it helps with everything in your life.

Lauren R.
July 7, 2023

I had a lot of challenges on a personal level and with my T1D prior to coaching. The day I met with Brooke, I did not recognize myself. I was low energy, had a terrible level of self-love and acceptance, and was struggling to keep my numbers in range. It was the darkest day and I am so thrilled Brooke was able to help get me out of it. That challenge made me feel lower than ever, but after meeting with Brooke and hearing her encouragement, I knew I could overcome anything. I have never worked with anyone (doctors, etc) who actually have T1D themselves. Having the chance to connect with someone who knows what I am going through on a daily basis is truly invaluable. Brooke was also extremely patient, kind, and passionate about her clients and what she does. She was an absolute wonder to work with. I value the changes that I was able to make. Without the help of Brooke and her constant encouragement, I do not think I would have been able to succeed in all of the ways that I was and still am. If you are debating coaching, I would tell you to do it! It is such an incredible experience that really help transform me and my outlook on not just my diabetes, but on life itself.

Charles H.
July 2, 2023

My challenge that led me to applying for coaching, was overall my diabetes management. I now realize that this was the challenge because I just did not have a good management plan. I had the answers but I did not implement them, so I was just struggling. This challenge made me feel unmovable and frozen, which left me stuck in a perpetual cycle of lethargy and depression.

I can go on and on about my experience during 1:1 coaching...as there is so much that I could say about the value that Risely provides, but I will try and sum it up as this. Jehan and the team see their clients, guide them, and go along side them through struggles and victories as we try to conquer the mountain of this disease and mark our own paths within it. These counselors just know and understand what it means and feels like to be T1D. If I had not found this program when I did then I would still be lost and unseen, these coaches are phenomenal and I will recommend this coaching to any/all of my T1D friends.

Now that I've completed coaching, I feel great. I have a better understanding and a greater freedom, as I am taking control of my diabetic management and making decisions to help me push forward in a healthy lifestyle that will only benefit me from an overall management perspective. This is a new way of approaching yourself. It is not a coaching that will take you hand and tell you how to do things, but help you navigate the life of T1D by providing an ear to hear and eyes to see you. The experiences all together will set you free and allow you to take the necessary steps to become more independent and free lifestyle.

Cory F.
May 25, 2023

My biggest challenge prior to coaching was my overnight blood sugars. They would get into the 300-400’s consistently. My last A1C before the program was 8.4% and I felt like I had no where to go for help. I cannot recall in my 10 years with T1D the last time I saw anything below a 7%. When the number read 6.7% 3 months into coaching, I was blown away.

I valued the attentiveness that my coach Meg gave me and the trust to make new decisions on my own and further support those decisions with constructive feedback. I now feel like I have all the tools and resources internally to combat any challenge I face. Prior to the program I would let 1 bad blood sugar day turn into 5-6 consecutive bad days. Post program, we stop bad blood sugar days at 1 -2 max. I couldn’t feel better about my patterns now and the decisions that I made.

Coaching allows you a safe space to drive changes in your #’s and mindset with diabetes. I have immensely felt the impact of the Risely program and know that I have the tools and confidence to overcome any curveball diabetes throws you.

Abby W.
May 2, 2023

Prior to coaching, the mental health portion was something I was always missing/neglecting. I felt both burnt-out and frustrated, and like I had all the knowledge but never implemented it or used it to my advantage. I was looking to work with someone I would consider my peer felt more real than an “old man doctor” who thinks he knows everything. The length of the program was manageable and I felt supported by my coach Meg through the whole process. Now that I've completed 1:1 coaching, I feel like diabetes is in my control and I can be more proactive. If you are thinking about coaching, I would tell you no one is perfect in the world of diabetes and this approach looks at whole picture of health focusing on mental social and physical. You might have one piece of the puzzle but there is a way bigger picture to look at. I am so grateful for this program and taking the time and energy to invest in my health!

Kathleen W
April 3, 2023

Before 1:1 coaching, I was not confident in any of my decisions to manage my day to day life safely and well alongside diabetes. It left me feeling really disempowered and also isolated. After going through a coaching with Emily, I feel a lot more trust in myself to make choices, even if they don’t turn out perfectly and not get locked into a cycle of indecision. Taking away that need for a perfect result and thinking of each thing as a chance to learn and learning to trust myself to have good ideas and plans based on prior experience has allowed me to be more open to any experience and to people in my life.

Coaching is the most validating and powerful experience to work with someone else with diabetes who also understands what a personal journey it is and how much transformation of mindset needs to happen, not just diet or exercise or insulin.

Tara T
March 28, 2023

I was looking to improve both my numbers and overall health, and that's what happened with 1:1 coaching at Risely. My coach Trista truly evaluated me and my diabetes, not just T1D in general. She always gave me her full attention, advice, and encouraged me, even if I wasn’t meeting my full potential. I was able to make so many connections between my personal life and my diabetes management because of the way she explained trends and patterns to me and because of the amount of time we spent reviewing my data. If you are thinking about coaching, jump the fence! Having the support from someone who truly knows the ins and outs of living with type 1 will bring clarification to you that you wouldn’t know you needed. There’s an answer for most of the challenges we face living with type 1, and sometimes it just takes having a conversation with someone who is giving you their undivided attention to make you come to the realizations you need for yourself!

Willa B
March 28, 2023

Before coaching, I didn't even know what my challenges were but I knew I needed help. After the very first session I realized that it is nice talking to another diabetic because it feels less crazy and when I started to feel the progress it really was inspiring at times. During coaching, my coach Lauren, was able to relate with me on so many levels and help WORK THROUGH my issues as well as GIVING TASKS and ways to make the transitions I needed too for the better of my overall life and happiness. She has left me with so many take aways and I can truly say she helped me coach my life for the absolute better. I really enjoyed and gained a lot from my experience with Risely, I would say go for it it is worth your time and a nudge of effort.

Andy S
March 22, 2023

Before I did coaching, the doctors and trainers I have worked were not able to get to the root causes of my issues like Lauren and her team have been able to do. I was asking my professionals for a way to reset all my levels, Basal, I to Carb, etc. They didn't have a path for me. 1:1 coaching laid that out, got me reset for proper basal dosing and we fine tuned things from there. Every session I learned something new about how to manage various day to day scenarios.

Coaching helped me go from, "is this (roller coaster blood sugars) how it is going to be for the rest of my life? to 70+% in range." Quite the transformation. I now have many tools and go-to moves to keep my levels in range. I also appreciate the conversational nature of our meetings and what I'll call your "bed-side" manner. Each meeting also had a purpose coming out of it that was documented. Results were reviewed in the following sessions to make sure objectives were being accomplished

Eric V
March 21, 2023

Before coaching, taking care of myself felt like a switch I turned on and off. I was either doing the things I needed to take care of myself (eating well, exercising, sleeping enough) and putting everything else aside, or living my life and just hoping my numbers would be okay. I didn't know how to address my T1D without obsessing about my T1D. During coaching Emily never offered me a "right" answer. We always discussed my goals and came to a plan together. I really felt like I was being empowered rather than being assigned something that felt either way out of my grasp or not a challenge at all. I felt really supported having some accountability and goal-setting from another Type 1  who has experience working with other Type 1's. I never got to think that Emily might not get it. She understands T1D better than most, and that made me feel really well taken care of. Your diabetes isn't going anywhere, and this is a real opportunity to set some goals and do some things around T1D that you're probably not going to get from your endocrinologist. Emily will help you dig in to what is holding you back, but in a way that doesn't feel like hard work. I promise you won't regret the investment.

Lauris S
December 1, 2022

Being diagnosed very young fostered a lot of habits of secrecy and shame around my numbers, my eating, and my own management. I was so scared to be honest with Emily that I knew I was going to be tempted to lie about my progress during coaching. I decided to tell her everything I was scared of during our first session and that made all the difference. She immediately understood what challenges we might face in future sessions and that meant we were both more prepared to tackle those challenges when they came up.

I began the program with an A1C around 10 in August . At my last endo appointment my A1C had dropped to 8.3! Lowering my A1C has been a massive accomplishment. For the past 4-5 years I have been sitting at a 9-10 with no energy to make change. I am so much more empowered to continue making these positive changes because coaching gave me the confidence I never had before. I have been diabetic for 20 years and have never felt capable of taking care of myself. I finally feel that, no matter the current trend in my progress, I am always learning and improving for the next day.

Risely created a program based on sustainable progress, not quick fixes or overwhelming life changes. Risely and Emily encouraged me to be curious about my blood sugars, rather than reactive and avoidant. Before, I had never approached my diabetes management with anything other than resentment.

Jessica K
September 5, 2022

Managing my type 1 diabetes was stressful prior to coaching. I was lacking a lot of important information to support my nutrition and movement goals. Through coaching with Jehan, I am learning how to take into consideration fat protein and fiber, and have more success when blousing for a high carb meal! Now I’m feeling so much more confident in my management. Jehan spent more time than other T1D professionals and resources, really focusing on my specific needs. 1:1 coaching will help you learn so much about your diabetes now and forever. 

Timo S
September 1, 2022

Before 1:1 coaching with Trista, I felt overwhelmed, like a failure. I thought I knew the medical theory behind T1D, but didn't have any idea what to practically do to get better. Over the 3 months with Trista, we discussed 20% technical T1D things, and 80% mindset, beliefs and practical life design. We went deep enough to discover underlying patterns which made me act the way I did (and by that, we were able to change them), and made me more mindful about how I'm spending my time and how things affect my blood sugar. From this work, I dropped my A1C from 7.4 to 6.5%! 

Lauren C
September 1, 2022

Before 1:1 coaching with Jehan, I was in a negative space with my T1D, feeling exhaustion due to multiple lows at night and getting extremely frustrated to the point of "giving up" when highs or lows happened. I valued Jehan really tailoring our coaching calls to me and what I needed. She empowered me to believe in myself and to realize I often time new what I needed to do and that I had the power to do it. She also helped me see that mindset changes were impacting me and helped me take the steps to start changing the beliefs I have had for so long. I really value that the Risely coaches are diabetics and have gone through similar experience and can understand most of what we are going through. Now after coaching, I don't use T1D to limit what I can do. I also don't view highs or lows as failures but use it to learn for future decisions and am not afraid to experiment and see what works best for me. I feel great and happier, I get more sleep, my nutrition is much better, I feel more educated and more in control of my diabetes.

Amanda R
August 1, 2022

I came into coaching feeling like I couldn’t make progress, like I wasn’t capable of changing after 20+ years with T1D. 1:1 coaching with Jehan shifted my entire mindset. I notice such a change in my approach to each NEW day with better moods and less feelings of anxiety. In addition to the mindset shifts, my A1C dropped from 7.5% to 6.8% and my time in range is at or above 70% with a low standard deviation! Jehan’s communication throughout the 3 month program was amazing, and supported my commitment to coaching. If you’re thinking about 1:1 Coaching, sometimes all you need is a little boost: the time is worth it. YOU are worth it! 

Emery D
May 10, 2022

Getting diagnosed with T1D 6 months ago at 32 years old, I struggled with how to still live life the way that I’ve lived it pre-diagnosis. 

From day 1 of coaching it was such a relief to find out that someone understood the full picture. I felt like I had a real champion in Jess. And she was great at recognizing what it was I was feeling and needing, even when I couldn’t find ways to verbalize it. Her coaching always felt encouraging and non-judgmental. I also appreciated that she would always come with an agenda of topics to cover but that she’d throw them out the window if I had something that I wanted to focus on that week.

1:1 coaching was truly life changing for me. Jess helped me go from crying every day and living in constant anxiety over my numbers and my eating to learning how to regain trust in my body so that now I have the freedom to spend my mental and physical energy in healthier and more enjoyable ways.

Samantha K.
March 29, 2022

My biggest challenge before joining 1:1 coaching was putting my CGM back on. I had not worn it in maybe over a year due to a lack of confidence and avoidance. During my first session with Stacy, I conquered that fear, and it left me feeling powerful!

During our time together, I learned so much about food education, recognizing patterns, and was able to lower my blood sugar levels overall. I finished having more self-acceptance, better management, and confidence. I feel fulfilled and ready to conquer my battle with T1D!

Stacy was an absolute angel through this whole process. She made me view diabetes management as something that I can handle. She changed my whole perspective. I'm forever grateful for her and the Risely team!

Amber W.
February 15, 2022

Prior to coaching, I was frustrated starting on a pump after just moving cities. I felt angry, ashamed, and frustrated with my diabetes. 

Through 1:1 Coaching with Jess, I learned to be patient when it came to the settings of my pump and to give my body grace during the stressful transitions and what that meant in terms of my sugar levels. Now, I feel empowered, curious, and intuitive. My time in range increased to 80%+ and my confidence level has significantly increased as well as my self love; I feel like T1D will not stop me from achieving all the goals I wanted before diagnosis.

I am proud that I’ve become more genuine when it comes to expressing myself, especially to others: how I’ve been able to define what T1D means to me specifically rather than letting all there is on the internet (good and bad) to dictate how I view myself. Coaching has allowed me to not define myself through T1D. I am so many things: a writer, a researcher, a friend—it just so happens that, in the process of achieving my goals, I happen to have T1D.

Thanks to Jess, I feel as though I have become more of my own authentic self, that I can use my genuine voice to talk about my truth: type 1 diabetes as well as a multitude of things. 

Ryan A
December 20, 2021

My biggest challenge prior to 1:1 coaching was a combination of little challenges that actually had a huge effect on my life. A lack of self-belief, perfectionism with my time in-range and A1C, high stress and anxiety - all those factors created my biggest challenge of managing my diabetes confidently. This made me feel hopeless at times and sad that I was stuck with having diabetes for the long-haul. I would cry, wish it would go away, anything to make me more "normal.”

1:1 coaching with Jess allowed me to be vulnerable, root out the problems that led to me being so stressed and, most importantly, do away with the habits that chipped away at my self-confidence. I feel stronger, more relaxed and happier. My self-confidence has increased tenfold over the last three months, and it makes managing my diabetes so much easier.From our first session onward, I felt like Jess understood everything I was struggling with, and she listened. Jess challenged me to root out my problems with self-confidence and I'm not sure I'd be where I am today without that challenge, and without the amazing help Jess provided me. 

I have experienced a noticeable increase in my time in-range, less "rollercoaster" trend lines and more trend lines that are flat on my Dexcom CGM, and more confidence in my diabetes management, in myself and in my abilities as a human. I feel like I'm getting to the point of being the best version of myself.

I will never forget our coaching sessions because they helped become a stronger, more confident person. I'll always be grateful to Jess for helping me find that inner-peace I never knew I needed.

Paige H
December 17, 2021

Getting diagnosed with T1D as a baby, diabetes has consumed my life growing up. I struggled with accepting and loving myself and my diabetes. This left me feeling lonely, misunderstood, and forced me to stay hidden. 

After working with Trista in 1:1 coaching, I view diabetes as a part of me, but certainly not all of me. I now feel empowered to share my diabetes with my friends and I don't feel as lonely anymore because I can express a part of me that I used to hide and brush off. I have started to accept all of the different variables that affect my diabetes and how my diabetes affects everything in my life from emotions to energy. In addition to the mindset shifts, I increased my time in range to 65%! 

I’ve gained clarity and understanding about how my emotions affect my blood sugar (stress & anger particularly), and worked on finding different outlets to allow myself space and time to reflect on my life and how diabetes intersects with everything. 

Trista's constant support, listening, and guidance has helped me towards such a positive place. I know that because of her I have the strength and ability to continue my progress even when it gets hard.

Rachel S
December 17, 2021

I didn’t know what to expect coming into 1:1 coaching. After having type 1 diabetes for 28 years, however, I was feeling overwhelmed and in need of help making a plan and focusing on my diabetes despite other things happening in life. 

Thanks to coaching with Stacy, I started making progress to figure out different scenarios. I have a process and method to continue experimenting with different areas, like exercise. Stacy listened to my concerns and challenges, and was a great problem solver. Every time I met with Stacy I knew she was listening to me and addressing my agenda. 

She also validated that my challenges are common in T1Ds, which made me feel less alone in this. I appreciate Stacy’s authenticity and encouragement that even the small wins are progress! 

Theresa D
December 17, 2021

My biggest challenge prior to 1:1 coaching was getting emotional when I was out of range. It made me feel like I had no control over my life or days. 

Working 1:1 with Stacy helped me understand that all diabetics go out of range! It’s the nature of type 1 and all we can do is our best. Over the course of my coaching program, my A1C dropped from 5.9 to 5.6, and I am more confident in letting insulin work and being less intense about staying tightly in range all the time. 

Stacy was so kind and patient during our sessions. She asked introspective questions, showed empathy and compassion for me in my T1D journey, and helped me with reframing so many of my negative mindsets. Coaching helped me, and continues to help me, in ways I never even imagined!

Esther M
October 25, 2021

Before coaching with Trista, I lacked consistency with my diabetes. After two injuries left me outside my usual routine, I could see the toll it was taking on my blood sugars and insulin resistance. I was lost trying to figure out how to implement my knowledge of diabetes and the information I knew from my doctor and experience.

I signed up for 1:1 coaching with Trista hoping this may be my ticket for a last chance at taking control. Right away, I connected with Trista. She always raised different thoughts and angels at how to tackle that weeks’ challenges. I’ve gained something I never really had: consistency. I learned how to be less hard on myself for the days where diabetes doesn’t work out in my favor.

Trista worked with me to get me out of my shell and onwards with life alongside diabetes. I will always be grateful for the lasting impact of coaching that has helped me reach my full potential!

Kelsey S
September 1, 2021

Living with T1D for all of my life, I felt frustrated, and that after 21 years with it I should have it figured out. Prior to coaching, I could not recognize my personal patterns and why my BG would shift so quickly sometimes.

As my coach, Trista ​made space for me to express my emotions and relay my experience. She provided education especially in relation to stress and how to gauge if my settings were right, all while being extremely validating and empowering towards me and my challenges. During coaching, I experienced a 10% increase in my time in range, and a 0.7 point drop in my A1C, plus the confidence to recognize my own patterns which was huge. Coaching with Trista helped me realize what I didn’t know I was missing from my life with diabetes. I thought I knew everything since I’ve been in the community for 20 years, but I had no idea how many variables I hadn’t considered before. Trista helped me identify those, and empower me to make decisions in my own best interest!

Elle P
August 1, 2021

Before doing 1:1 coaching with Stacy, I struggled with my relationship to food. I felt confused about what to eat and was always stressing over my next meal. After working with Stacy, I have more confidence about my relationship with food, and how it relates to anxiety. What I found most valuable, was being able to vent about my frustrations with diabetes and having Stacy help me unpack those feelings. I feel a lot more confident about my relationship with diabetes and the work I've done with Stacy’s help and empathy.Moving forward after coaching, I am able to communicate with my doctors much more effectively, and I’m not as hard on myself when things go wrong and with my relationship to myself and to diabetes.

Alix D
July 1, 2021

Prior to working with Stacy, I was struggling to overcome my fear of hypoglycemia, and felt like I didn’t “own” my diabetes, which was reflected in my day-to-day life and relationships. I felt worthless managing my diabetes, and had no confidence in my abilities. Having Stacy guide my learning over the last 3 months allowed me to set realistic action steps for my diabetes management. Through this work, I gained confidence to try outdoor activities like hiking and camping without my fear of lows getting in the way! My self-awareness has increased dramatically, and I have a sense of peace within myself and my T1D management. 1:1 coaching recovered a sense of excitement for my life and possibilities that lie ahead!

Sofia P
July 1, 2021

Before I started 1:1 coaching, I was scared of my diabetes. It was a burden to me, and I wasn't living happily because there were so many things that frustrated me and I did not understand why. After 1:1 coaching with Jess, I now tackle situations in a much more calm manner. Instead of blowing up and sitting high for hours, I have so many tools to control the outcome of things. It feels so amazing to be able to respond well to different things that happen and not have to feel overcome by my diabetes.

I now view my diabetes as a part of me, and no longer in a negative light. Jess has helped me understand that living freely even while having diabetes is completely doable. Diabetes is not a sentence to feel negative and down about 24/7. You can still be yourself, and you can work around the challenges that come with diabetes. After completing my coaching program, I feel grounded and at ease moving forward because I know I can handle almost anything with the proper prep!

Amanda Z
June 1, 2021

Having diabetes for most of my life, I was feeling overwhelmed before starting coaching with Trista.  I struggled to find someone to work with who could relate and offer tailored support. Thanks to 1:1 coaching with Trista, I have improved my confidence and awareness of diabetes management, and how it works for my body. Figuring out my basal rates and understanding are about insulin sensitivity were breakthrough moments during coaching. I started using a CGM while working with Trista, which helped me understand patterns, and now my TIR is over 80%! The accessibility of Trista during our time together was so helpful to troubleshoot diabetes in “real time.” This highly personalized approach is unique to anything else out there. I am leaving coaching equipped with knowledge and tools to continue putting in the work to thrive!

Brenna G
March 1, 2021

Prior to working with Jess, I struggled to accept that my blood sugars didn't make me a "good" or "bad" person.  This led to intense feelings of guilt and low self worth. While working with Jess, I developed a greater understanding of how I perceive myself in relation to being a T1D.

Coaching has also given me the ability to make space for myself and the struggles that accompany T1D life and to be okay with the fact that I wont be 100% all the time. Thanks to the tools and support from Jess, my sugars have being staying more consistently lower and my confidence has greatly increased when tackling those weird patterns. I am excited to continue to put into practice all I have learned!

Michelle V
February 1, 2021

Having T1D for over 20 years, I was feeling out of control, and unsure how to optimize my management. Working with Jess made me feel so much more comfortable with my diabetes. Having  someone who knows the struggles is also so comforting and I felt that she really knows and can relate to issues that diabetics go through.Jess helped me trust my insulin pump more, increased my confidence in knowing when I need to make changes, and helped me optimize pump features that turned into more of a habit.

With these tools, I am recognizing my patterns and trends with blood sugar and hormones which helps me feel more in control of my diabetes, rather than the other way around. Thanks to this coaching program with Jess I am managing my diabetes better than I ever was before.

Gigi C
February 1, 2021

Living with T1D for almost my entire life, I viewed diabetes as an ailment that I didn't really want to 'make a big deal of' and brushed off as something I could deal with and handle. A lot of people told me they had no idea I was a diabetic for a while after meeting me, which I liked because again, I viewed is as something that would make people 'feel bad for me.’When I started working with Jess, I focused on feeling empowered and confident with the tools I have to LIVE with diabetes as a part of me, in a more positive sense. Jess really worked to understand my lifestyle and empowered me to make decisions, identify trends, and understand my body.

I feel like I'm more excited to talk about T1D because I feel so much more knowledgable and in control! Beyond the mindset piece, I also lowered my A1C from 8.5 to 7.4 and made sustainable changes to my daily management — like pre bolusing! Coaching was very new for me and something I’d never done. After working with Jess, I’m proud I made the decision to do this and really commit to myself and my health!

Jaz H
November 1, 2020

Before coaching, my A1c was okay but misleading due to all the hypos I was having. I felt like I'd never be able to do the things I'm passionate about like paint at my easel or even just normal day to day things without feeling so drained and sick from the ups and downs of my sugar levels. Working with Jess, I’m now more confident and feel capable of making good decisions. I no longer torture myself with poor beliefs around who I am as a diabetic or who I was.

This 1:1 coaching program has provided me with tangible data to work from and more confidence in the decision making process which I've come to really value. I have successfully navigated through so many of my limiting beliefs that I could now see were holding me back. Jess really knows what she's doing as a coach and can help guide you to who you would like to be and where you want to be by the end of the program. She is fully able to provide the knowledge you may feel you're lacking from diabetes management to supporting you on the emotional well being front. I look forward to continuing from here - learning more and more about my diabetes management and customizing it to a life I desire! Because now I have the tools and habits and can see that it is completely doable.

Neesha T
November 1, 2020

Before 1:1 coaching, I had a fear of carbs. I felt restricted by insulin, food, and my mindset. Jess worked with me to increase my awareness of where my stress was coming from. I have slowly increased the amount of carbs I eat to combat my fears. Overall, I feel much more balanced with exercise, food, and T1D management. Jess’s approach was much more intuitive than other doctors and programs.

The solutions-oriented approach allowed me to take action and embrace the change! With all of these mindset shifts, my average blood sugar is 120-129mg/dl! I am moving forward feeling balanced, without fear or guilt!

Anna B
August 1, 2020

Coaching was a very empowering experience which helped me to look at different aspects of diabetes in a positive way.

My coach, Jess, helped me take big steps with self love and confidence. She always encouraged me to test new things and evaluate how different situations affected my blood sugar. I really appreciated how we built on this and later on focused on advantages for blood sugar management like physical activity, hormones, and last but not least stress and confidence. Of course we worked on blood sugar management, but also on acceptance and self love, that was a very important take home massage for me.After only a few weeks in the program, I got pregnant which was what I wanted but it was not really expected. We had to change plans but it worked out so well and it was amazing to have the support from Jess during this exciting time. With coaching, be open to digging deeper and understanding many different aspects of your mental and physical health.

The more time and energy you invest, the more you will be able to gain. What I got from my coaching program is way beyond all the meetings I had with any healthcare provider during all my years as a Type 1 Diabetic. I am a medical doctor myself, and coaching was so worth it.

Now I focus more on the present, how I can evaluate and manage the day. I worry less and don’t have as many negative thoughts about the future and the past. I do more proactive work with blood sugar management, I have the ability to adapt to new situations, and to maintain physical activity. I have started to understand and reduce stress in everyday life and prioritize myself and my health. I want to keep on experiencing different forms of physical activity and ways to coach myself to reduce stress and negative thoughts.

I learned so much about how to have stable blood sugars and at the same time really enjoy life. I would recommend you to give yourself the time and energy for coaching. It is an experience that I will value throughout my life.

Allison S
May 1, 2020

I was diagnosed with T1D in July, 2019 at the age of 31 and the resources that were provided to me left a lot to be desired. I felt like I was left to figure out diabetes on my own. I'm a very busy sales manager with two girls under 5 and I was really guessing on how to treat my diabetes. I had a 7.0 A1C, eating a mostly keto-based diet and if my blood sugars were going high- they were staying there for the entire day. I felt like I didn't understand why my body was reacting the way that it was and I just needed more education on the disease. I felt so out of control.

I started 1:1 coaching in May of 2020 and really dedicated myself to education and coming from a place of "curiosity" versus negative self-talk. Through coaching I made some pretty significant life shifts. Mostly, though...I feel in control. I'm very grateful for my time in the program.

Sara Lame
April 1, 2020

For me personally, diabetes has always been a big financial strain on my life, so the thought of paying "extra" for a service was tough for me to consider. But, I'm frustrated that I did not invest earlier in my life, because working with Lauren has probably been the best investment I have ever made. You cannot put a price on it. I have control back and I have my health back, and know that I can be healthy and manage my diabetes as a mom- and that is the biggest and best gift!​

Although I pushed my diabetes care aside for almost my whole life with T1D - convincing myself I had a handle on it and refusing to let it define me- I feel like a totally different person now! The weight has been lifted. And it is because of the work I did with Lauren.

For 27 years my A1C was on average a 8.5-10. I was struggling with fear of lows, transitioning to a pump, lowering my a1c and was happily coasting in 200s all day.I had felt judged and dismissed by care providers my whole life around my diabetes, and avoided reaching out for any help or being honest about my struggles.

It was so important and meaningful to me to have a fellow diabetic helping me on this journey. In my wildest dreams, I thought I could get myself to 6.5/7 A1C by the end of 6 months working together. But I got to 5.5 in just a few months of working with her. I am able to make informed decisions around my management- I feel like I know what I am doing and I know how my body works- for the first time ever! I give myself far more grace than ever before, and do not stress half as much as I used to about highs or lows.

About 3 months into our work I got pregnant, and would have freaked out (even though it was planned) around my diabetes care, but you were always there to support me and give me the confidence I needed. The least stressful thing about my pregnancy has been my diabetes care- I manage it with ease and make changes with ease! My A1C has remained 5.3-5.5 the entire time while being 80% in range. I eat carbs with ease, with little spikes and dips. I truly feel like I have made lifelong changes.

I only wish I had met Lauren sooner- having someone like her earlier would have been so valuable!

Austin S.
April 1, 2020

I was in pretty good shape with parts of my T1D prior to this program, but now I have all of the knowledge and understanding of how all the pieces of the pie fit together.I couldn't have spent my money on anything better because now I am in a place with my diabetes to start a family & I owe it all to the LOVE and SUPPORT of Jess!I mean come on, I went from a 7.0 A1C to 5.8! It happened with a lot of effort & work.

This program is everything you need to get on track - the coaches go above and beyond to make sure you have every resource you need to succeed. They are your biggest supporters whether you want them to be or not; which is very fulfilling. They help you understand what happens to your body and not compare to someone else. They really get to know YOU and how you live life instead of telling you that you are doing it "wrong".

I am eating better than I ever have, I finally have mental space for other things besides my diabetes, I'm no longer telling myself I can't and I am now telling myself that I CAN! I understand and appreciate my diabetes now.Thank you is an understatement of how appreciative I am for everything. NO REGRETS!

Marielle W.
December 1, 2019

I started working with Lauren 19 years after my diagnosis - at a point in life where I had to decide to either drastically turn my health around or resign to the fact that I was gonna run into complications after too many years of high A1c’s and low in range %. I had spent a good decade giving myself excuses for not taking good care of myself. I had prioritized an international career and a busy social life way above health.

When I decided that I had to change things I was in a pretty bad shape, physically and mentally, constantly feeling guilty and stressed about not making the right priorities and not having “the character” to pull myself together. I started to try on my own for a while but soon realized I needed professional help. I found Lauren through IG and after a few months of following her I gathered enough courage to reach out and ask for help with my diabetes for the very first time in almost two decades.

Lauren took me on with a fantastic understanding of my particular needs, patience with my fragile state and a gentle but structured and decisive steering and guiding towards letting me finding my tools to drive a lasting change. She provided factual knowledge, empirical insights from her vast client base, her own experiences and loads of empathetic reflections - which all allowed me to build my own approach - not to copy hers.Today I’ve lowered my A1c from 7.4% to 6.3% and increased my in range % with more than 20%. I’ve upgraded my tech support and shifted from 20 years of MDI to pump. I’ve tried three different CGMs and experimented with looping.

I’ve even started to write and talk openly about my experience living with diabetes, for the very first time I have really good friends with T1D - and I’ve allowed my family to take part of my challenges and progresses - I’m not doing it alone anymore. I have more work to do - it’s a lifelong journey - but thanks to Lauren’s coaching I now have my set of tools to manage my particular circumstances of moving and traveling around the world for a highly intense job - and I’m confident enough to ask for the help that I need from people who can support me on that journey.

For a very long time I lived with the truth that T1D will shorten my life expectancy - but I truly feel so good now that I firmly believe that taking control of my T1D and continuing to progress on that - will rather give me more good years of life than the opposite. A few years back I could never have imagined I’d feel this way. Lauren is a massive part of getting me to this point and I’ll be forever grateful to her support.

Carrie H.
November 1, 2019

I had only heard the words "non-compliant" or "out of control" from my doctors for essentially all 19 years I have had Type 1 Diabetes. I often rescheduled my appointments, avoided looking at my CGM data, did not dose insulin correctly out of guilt, or skipped testing my blood sugars altogether as I felt powerless, frustrated, and deflated.

During the summer of 2019, I decided it was time for a real change since my husband and I want to grow our family, and focusing on my diabetes became more than just about me alone. At the time, it felt impossible. That summer, I saw Lauren speak during a Connected in Motion Slipstream and responded to her holistic health approach and perspective on life. I did start seeing positive results for the minor tweaks I was making, but I started reverting back to old habits. I was so nervous I would never get the results I needed, I actually messaged Lauren a couple months later in my endo's office asking for help.

With Lauren's coaching, my A1C dropped from 7.4 to 6.2 - but it's so much more than that. It feels like everything I thought was helping me before was actually making it more difficult, and I have a completely transformed view of my health and being. What I gained most is a feeling of peace. Life throws so many curveballs, especially these days, and knowing I now have the strategies and the mindset to navigate those twists and turns is priceless. I also did not realize how much my negative relationship with diabetes was impacting other parts of my life until I went through this experience, and I'm walking away with a new sense of purpose.

Lauren gives you specific, targeted strategies based on your needs. She holds you accountable, but in a safe, open space. She challenges you to dig deeper to discover new parts of yourself. I can't thank her enough, and wish I found her sooner.

Hannah Conzelman
October 1, 2019

I have been type 1 diabetic for 18 years. I am 28 so it has been something I have lived with more most of my life. I have always had relatively “good” control in the eyes of doctors, but I knew I could do better. I found it hard to get my a1c under 7.0, where is hovered for many years. Upon starting my journey with Lauren, I found the most helpful tool to be the diabetic health journal, which allowed me to track blood sugar patterns and insulin needs in a way I never had done before.

I have been low carb for years, and developed a fear of pre-blousing and giving what I consider “ a lot “ of insulin. With the help and knowledge of Lauren, I can successfully pre - bolus with confidence, which has made a HUGE difference in my day to day blood sugar control.

Lauren really helped me structure my own weekly exercise regime, showing me the benefits of weights and resistance training. This keeps my blood sugars in range for days.

Lastly, One of my goals was to lower my a1c to 6.5. After the 3 month program, I had my a1c tested and it was 6.3! I will be continuing my journey with Lauren for another 3 months, and I look forward to it.

Chandler G
August 1, 2019

I came to Lauren in a serious diabetes management rut. I felt trapped in a place where I knew what I was looking to do, but felt I lacked the tools and resources to get their on my own. Being diagnosed later on in life, I have never been confident nor comfortable talking about my diabetes with my friends or co-workers. This led to increased anxiety in all areas of my life. Going into meetings or going out to a lunch with a client, I always felt anxious that my blood sugars would go low, so I would compensate by letting my blood sugars run higher. I got in the habit of applying this tactic alongside eating an extremely low carb diet to avoid having to take more insulin. I noticed that this type of diet was not conducive to my body. I love working out, and restricting my carbohydrates was taking a serious toll on my energy levels and performance in the gym. That being said, my dream for myself was to gain the confidence to speak more freely about my condition to others, and more importantly, eat more carbs to properly fuel my body -- enter Lauren.

In my 3 months of working with Lauren, beyond all of the tangible progress I've made in my blood sugar levels, the most important takeaway I have is the toolkit she's provided me with. Now, I feel more confident than ever going into a situation with curiosity instead of fear. This has allowed me to experiment and not get down on myself when things don't go my way. Now, I don't feel helpless and unsure how to navigate certain situations. Also, most importantly, I have more than doubled my daily carbohydrate intake, which has worked wonders on my energy levels.

Lauren's holistic approach to diabetes management is a tactic I will continue to utilize in my day-to-day life. I cannot begin to verbalize how much she has helped me on my continuous journey with type 1. I am more inspired than ever to continue to refine the areas we have worked on, and I am forever grateful for her helping me find that part of myself I was unsure how to recover on my own.

Alyssa Cashman
July 1, 2019

Having type one diabetes for 17 years is tiring. Each day is a rollercoaster with ups and downs and only for a few seconds do you feel like you’re in control. However, it wasn’t until I met Lauren that I realized I could genuinely feel in control more often than not.

After attending a JDRF Young Leadership Committee meeting and hearing Lauren speak, I knew immediately that I needed to start working with her and I couldn’t be more thrilled that I made the decision to do so.

In the seventeen years I’ve had type one diabetes my A1C hadn’t been below 7. This had always been something that I’d strive for but never actually put in the work to do. I felt like it wasn’t possible and that it was normal to go through those ups and downs without ever being in true control of my numbers. After working with Lauren, this all changed – and for the better.

Lauren gave me better insight into foods that would help stabilize my blood sugar without feeling limited or going on a diet. Substituting these foods helped me feel in control and led me to feeling more positive about my numbers.

After seeing that I could eat breakfast without my blood sugar creeping up but rather staying in a straight line, I felt motivated to continue making changes to my lifestyle in order to bring down my A1C. Lauren also helped me prepare for workouts without my blood sugar always having to go low while on the spin bike and look for patterns in my blood sugars on a daily basis. I soon realized that I didn’t need to wait every three months until I saw my doctor to make changes that lasted a few days, but rather take control myself and make these changes for the better.

After working with Lauren, my A1C went from a 7.4 to a 6.6!!!!!! I have never felt more confident and positive about my diabetes than I do now thanks to Lauren who was my biggest cheerleader the entire way!!

In addition to bringing my A1C down, Lauren helped me focus on my health holistically. With someone who struggles with anxiety, she encouraged me to welcome meditation into my life. Although at first it was a bit uncomfortable, something I wasn’t used to taking the time to pause and sit with my thoughts, I now embrace meditation and have built the practice into my weekly schedule. Carving out time to work out and meditate has made me feel better mentally, physically, and emotionally – something Lauren truly encouraged me to do.

I cannot thank Lauren enough for helping me not only reach my goals but surpass them and alter my lifestyle to be the best ME I can be!!!!! Thank you Lauren!!!!!!

Octavia G
July 1, 2019

I have been living with T1D for 20 years. Before working with Lauren, I almost daily experienced wide blood sugar fluctuations that significantly impacted both my physical and mental well-being. I felt tired all the time and struggled to keep my blood sugar in a reasonable range. I was ashamed of having diabetes and would hide it even from my friends, feeling embarrassed to give myself shots in front of them. Life for me was about prioritizing my work and education, even if that was at the expense of my health. Ultimately, it became very obvious that as much as I tried, I could not have better control over my diabetes without the professional support and direction from someone who also has diabetes.

I was not aware of it, but I lacked a tremendous amount of information about T1D. Lauren's programs and support are highly effective. She provided me with insights and the tools I needed to get my blood sugar under control. Starting out, I was at a 7.8 A1C – something I knew I needed to get down if I wanted to begin thinking about having a family. I also was on a keto diet and did not allow myself to eat foods I very much enjoyed. Lauren helped me to gradually reintroduce carbs into my diet, which to my surprise, has been great for my blood sugar and I have not gained any weight.

My blood sugar is 80% in-range with a one-month average of 132. I have become significantly less insulin resistant and need to give myself fewer shots over the course of the day. My A1C was down to 6.5 now at the end of the 3 months and after 1 month of finishing the program, it is down to a 6.2. I like to have an active life-style, but my blood sugar would fluctuate significantly when I worked out. Now, I am able to maintain a steady blood sugar level while working out and being active. Moreover, starting the 12 week climb program has made me even more insulin sensitive. With the introduction of a few natural supplements, I am also able to sleep better and deeper at night.  

Working with Lauren has been the best investment I have ever made in myself. It is clear there is no need to feel alone in your battle to conquer diabetes. Lauren is so kind, non-judgmental, supportive, always available, and a real team mate. I now feel so much better on a daily basis, have a sense of control over my life, broke free from so many restrictive eating patterns, and ultimately, I am performing more effectively and concentrating deeper on my work and PhD than I was before the program. I could not be happier with where I am today, and that is all thanks to Lauren.

Stephanie Perrey
July 1, 2019

After living with T1D for 18 years, I still felt lost and frustrated. I honestly didn’t even know for the longest time that Lauren's diabetic health coaching existed or I would have reached out sooner!On our consultation call I was hesitant to join and tried to convince myself I could figure this out on my own. I'm soo happy Lauren pushed me when I pushed back. With Lauren's coaching I lowered my A1C from 6.8 to 5.3 and my endo was floored with my results!I have an extensive healthcare background and no textbook or endo was able to give me what Lauren did. She has given me confidence, tools to improve my life and my numbers, and the support that had been lacking for so long.

I just wish I would have found her sooner!❤️"

Courtney J
June 1, 2019

When I found Lauren I felt so lost with my diabetes management. I had been struggling for years with an A1c above 8 and recently after hitting my 24 year anniversary I heard the word complication from my eye doctor. I took to unhealthy habits to escape the pain I felt in not being able to take proper care of myself.

I saw every blood sugar as a grade, I was scared to eat carbs, I had a severe fear of hypoglycemia, I and would be 300 daily. I thought this was how I was supposed to live my life, and I masked my pain behind a smiling face appearing all was fine, yet I did not know how to ask for help. As a nurse, I am used to taking care of others before myself and I felt helpless in my inability to care for myself.

Reaching out to Lauren was the best gift I have ever given myself; I only wish I had found her earlier! The work she is doing is truly changing lives. She met me where I was and from my first conversation believed in me 100%- and taught me to believe in myself! I learned to put down the hammer and pick up the magnify glass at my blood sugars logs- approaching my numbers with curiosity and no judgement. I stopped covering the meter and anticipating a number starting with 3. I learned be more mindful when I am low and to correct blood sugars over 100. As a former collegiate athlete, I was accustomed to frequent hyperglycemia during competition- Lauren helped me learn to exercise at lower blood sugars.

Some of the biggest lessons I learned from Lauren had nothing to do with changing insulin dosages or reviewing blood sugars. I learned to release guilt that my type of pump therapy was not serving me anymore and to be open to letting a new sensor and pump into my management. Lauren helped me show up for myself- to put my health and self first.

Throughout my program, I lowered my A1c to the lowest it has been in over a decade (7.0 down from 8.6), but more than that I am radiating with pride, self love, and empowerment that I know will help me be the best version of myself for years to come. I am beyond thankful to Lauren and this team. If you are on the fence about this program— you will not regret enrolling ! It is more than ok to ask for help, and it IS possible to feel better.

Kristan H.
April 1, 2019

In 3 months Lauren brought breath back into my life. I have been T1D since I was 11, diagnosed as "brittle". I carried that with me through the years. Chasing perfection. The perfect weight, the perfect blood sugar, the perfect mindset. All this did was breakdown my mind and body further. I had gotten to the point that I dreaded the morning. I was angry at my body and jealous of those that appeared to live so effortlessly.

I connected with Lauren and she spoke my language. She stated hurts that I had but had never even recognized. She was a light on the other end of my computer with a heart and understanding for feelings that I couldn't even put into words.I thought I would work with her to lose weight and gain tighter blood sugar control. Instead, she brought my heart and mind through some pretty ugly, but important stuff. By our last session I shared with her, "I now wake up in the morning and don't want to die..it's the furthest thing from my mind.

One thing she helped with was better sleep, and with better rest, my numbers really started balancing out and I desired more movement. If you're lost in yourself, confused by your next steps, if you don't know how to connect your mind and body, Lauren knows how to coach you to bring everything back together-mind,body, and soul!

Thank you for saving my life Lauren.

April 1, 2019

Before I started the program, I was at my ends rope. I felt like I had tried everything and I felt hopeless. I struggled with depression, anxiety, diabulimia, DKA, blood sugar rollercoasters, and food binges from carb restricting. I needed someone to hold me accountable for my actions, but had been in my shoes, so there was understanding versus judgement—and that’s where Lauren came in. She taught me to want to be better instead of having to because it’s what my doctor told me. She showed me a different perspective to taking control and empowered me to push myself more because she believed in me.

With Lauren I started with 18% in range and ended up with 70%. I also lowered my A1C from 12.3 to 7.0! One of my biggest takeaways was learning how to detect different patterns and understanding how to intercept the bad behavior. My blood sugars used to average around the 200’s - 400’s, but after the 6-month program, I’m proud to say that my blood sugars are typically always in the 100 range! I started off being afraid of insulin to embracing it, and don’t get me started on how much happier I am!!! For years, I felt like I was in a mental prison, constantly going back and forth with what I should and shouldn’t be doing and beating myself up for it endlessly. Now, I’ve learned to let things go and just try to do better tomorrow cause it’s not the end of the world, just the end of a day. Honestly, I barely binge anymore and I’m just more pleasant to be around. My authentic self is finally crawling out of the cave she’s been hiding in for years.

If you are thinking about reaching out to Lauren for help, do it. Don’t wait, just do it. I had been following Lauren on instagram for months and always wanted to reach out, but kept stopping myself every time. One day, I just gave in and took the risk and I’m SO GLAD I did!!! I promise you, she can help you change your life the way she changed mine. She taught me things that no endocrinologist, no dietician, no nutritionist, no psychologist or primary doctor was ever able to teach me. My biggest win would have to be my overall happiness and peace of mind. Thank you, Lauren for bringing me back to life. I am forever grateful.

Meredith M
March 1, 2019

Since being diagnosed in 2014 before college, I struggled with self-discipline when it came to managing my diabetes. I was frustrated, tired, and annoyed. If I’m being honest, I wanted to act as if I wasn’t even diabetic. Overtime I grew close to my endocrinologist, began to learn from him and trust his advice, and finally started to care about my health. In early September of 2018, my doctor passed away and I felt lost. I immediately reached out to Lauren and we began the three-month program shortly after.

In college I lost any structure I had had in my diet or workout plan, I had little self- confidence, and struggled to manage my stress. Instantly I (and my family) knew Lauren would help me piece it all together. My favorite thing about working with Lauren is it wasn’t “just diabetes,” it was every element of my life. I had never considered how my sleep, relationships with others, feelings toward food, or self-acceptance could impact my health, mental clarity, happiness, and productivity.

Originally, I was set up to do the three- month program, but after seeing how much our meetings were helping, I knew I wanted to switch to the six- month program. When I began working with Lauren my A1C was a 9.5. Five months in to the program, I lowered my A1C to a 6.5! I am more confident, patient, and interested in learning more about how my body works. In creating specific, attainable goals I learned what it was like to appreciate and understand my body. The tools Lauren gave me are tools I will use every day moving forward. I mean it when I say I don’t know where I would be without Lauren!

Rebeka Racz
February 1, 2019

I participated in Lauren’s 3 month program and it truly helped me take control of my diabetes and my life. First, Lauren is a friendly, warm and welcoming person. From our first appointment, I knew I could talk to her about any problem. Second, Lauren was always accommodating with working with my busy schedule and always answered emails promptly.

In the 3 months that Lauren and I worked together, I not only lowered my basal insulin amount by 6 units but also discovered new workout techniques and dove into the world of meditation which has been helping with self control and anxiety. Furthermore, my blood sugars have never been more stable thanks to Lauren’s Diabetic Health Journal which makes food and insulin logging fun, easy and creative.

Lauren also introduced me to the idea that a healthy life is not about elimination but knowing how to eat the right foods and when to eat them. She made realize that carbs are “okay”!! This was a whole new idea to me. I used to be afraid of carbs due to my huge sweet tooth but with Lauren’s techniques, I am able to feel comfortable with them and I learned better self control.

With Lauren’s guidance and care, I feel more confident, strong and also with more willpower to keep going instead of always giving up. Weight loss and control doesn’t happen overnight and I’m realizing that more and more but Lauren helped me understand that and also provided me with the techniques to keep going.

Tracey Powell
February 1, 2019

I have had Type 1 Diabetes for the last 20 years of my life. It's so great to see all of the increasing technology and medical devices to help with the disease but even with all of these tools, I got to a point where I realized that I needed someone to help me with a more personalized coaching experience. I wanted to understand why certain patterns were happening to me and how to have the best blood sugars/ create habits that could provide me with a long, happy, and healthy life.

The universe showed Lauren to me online for a reason and I am SO glad I signed up for her program. Throughout the program she guided and helped me in ways that no one else has ever been able to do. There was a lot of education, but sometimes it was to just listen to the questions I had or to vent about a roller-coaster of a blood sugar day.  Either way, she was there with an open heart, an educated mind, and empathetic clarity because she knows first hand what it is like to live with Diabetes.

With Lauren as my 1:1 coach I lowered my A1C from a 6.6 to a 5.7!! I have never been in the 5's before working with Lauren. She has an energy and vibe that is so contagious and is a ray of sunshine who truly cares about each one of her clients!

Evie Mino
January 1, 2019

I cannot thank Lauren and this team enough! I've been raving about my work with her and sharing what i've learned with EVERYONE on my medical team!

Prior to coaching with Lauren there was so many missing links that I now have. Words just don’t do her coaching and guidance  justice.I managed to bring my A1C from an 11 to an 8 in six months... And Lauren knows how huge that is based on our sessions. I actually upped my carb intake and kept applying what Lauren worked with me on.I just truly feel lucky and cannot express the gratitude that I have, especially that she never stopped believing me.

Alyse Desimone
December 1, 2018

Before starting my journey with Lauren I was ‘managing’ my diabetes but I knew I could be living a healthier and happier life. I never neglected my diabetes but it was a constant rollercoaster of highs and lows and I just knew I had to finally get this under control. I had developed some bad habits in the 15 years of having diabetes that I just couldn’t break out of it.

I would see my endocrinologist every 3 months and he would adjust my basals and ratios, but visits were so few and far between, and I didn’t feel like he really understood me and my issues. I needed guidance and I had the numbers to prove it.. I had an A1C of almost 9.0! I tried going to a nutritionist that my endo recommended, but I didn’t find it to be beneficial. She went over the standard topics, carb counting, snacks, nutritional panels…almost insulting since I was not newly diagnosed, like ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Frustrated and feeling like I was running out of options I began researching diabetes and nutrition myself. I thought, “How can I find a well rounded diet and exercise plan that works with my diabetes?” I didn’t want to find the next diet fad, I wanted to make lifestyle changes to better myself all together, I knew that with these changes good numbers would follow. I just didn’t know where to begin and how to get there.

Thankfully I stumbled on a blog post about Lauren, the diabetic, yoga-crazed, nutrition guru, health coach, extraordinaire! As soon as I visited her website I knew she was the person that I wanted to work with. I found out that she conducts the sessions via skype and I filled out a contact form right away. She reached out to me right away and we scheduled my consultation – I was so excited to work with her. After our first session I was already seeing changes in my blood sugar numbers. Lauren doesn’t just look at numbers, she looks at the big picture and really hones in on the issues. She taught me so much about diabetes and myself in a way that is easy to understand, manageable, and totally doable. She sets small goals “homework” after each session, and she is always available between sessions for any questions big or small. I looked forward to our skype sessions every 2 weeks, she always greeted me with a big smile and positivity!I went into this experience with a simple goal of getting my A1C down to 7-8 to start. I figured I would learn more about nutrition and some exercise.

Lauren exceeded my expectations, she goes above and beyond. Now I am happy to say that I feel the BEST I have ever felt in my life, all around – physically, mentally, and emotionally. I learned so much about myself and how I can manage everything that life throws at me without sacrificing my health. My A1C went from almost 9.0 to about a 7.0 now. Lauren taught me how to set goals for myself and stick to them. I came out of this exceeding every goal we set in the beginning, a plan to continue my journey with everything she taught me, and really a friend who finally understands.Thank you a million Lauren, my “diabetic soul sister.” I hope you know you are great at what you do and you are helping so many people like me.

Shivani M
December 1, 2018

I started seeing Lauren when I had a 12.5 A1c and my main goal was to bring it down to a healthier level. Through sessions with Lauren, I ended up accomplishing that goal (bringing it down to a 8.1 and then a 7.4 three months after that) along with so many others.

I have always been private about my Type 1 diabetes, and although I still am, Lauren helped me become so much more confident about confiding in others and becoming a little bit more vulnerable while also remaining strong and independent. Lauren was able to share her own personal experiences and it was so helpful to know that someone so confident once shared the same worries as me.

Lauren not only helped me mentally, but also physically. I came to Lauren with a diet and workout regimen I wanted to work on. Lauren helped get me out of my reliance on sugar cravings and helped me get into better exercise habits. My favorite aspect of Lauren’s coaching was the accountability. She would have me to message her when I was at the gym, or write down my meals to keep track of my sugar intake. I could send her a picture of my meal at a restaurant and she would help me figure out how many carbs I should bolus for. I would recommend Lauren to anyone who needs support in their personal Type 1 journey. Having a support system doesn’t make someone any less independent or capable. It only helps in overcoming obstacles that we sometimes struggle to face alone.

Adelyn Massey
October 1, 2018

Lauren has been so incredibly helpful the past three months that I am excited to continue working with her for another three! Even after having diabetes for over 12 years, there were (and still are) so many things I didn’t know about how to manage myself the best I could be.

Lauren is full of tips and methods that all diabetics should know and she is always there to help me in between  our sessions. This was a big difference for me, as my normal doctor visits are much more brief. Meeting with Lauren on a regular basis has helped hold me accountable for the changes I need to make for tighter blood sugar control and having consistent support makes it so much easier. She has helped me recognize patterns in my blood sugars based on different foods and exercise.

With her help over the past 3 months, my A1C dropped from 8.1 to 7.5 and I’m confident it will keep improving! In addition to helping me with blood sugar control, she also helped me come up with an exercise routine and easy recipes that have made it much easier to cook at home. All in all, Lauren has been so uplifting and a enjoyable to work with! I couldn’t recommend her programs enough!

Molly Hornbeck
June 1, 2018

As someone who was living with type one for 15 years, I thought I had it pretty much figured out. Little did I know though, Lauren would become one of the most valuable resources and ultimately, friend, I ever came across in making huge changes in my life.

Not only did Lauren help me to reach my goal of lowering my A1C from a 7.1 to a 6.5, I increased my insulin sensitivity(carb ratio went from 1:13 to 1:18), lost 8 pounds, started work outs that actually got me results, felt less stressed out around food choices, was eating more carbs and using less insulin, and she helped me to conquer my underlying anxiety issues as well. Lauren’s helped me see and understand my diabetes more clearly than I ever had before and decrease my emotional attachment to the numbers. I understand now how to more strategically adjust my pump settings and I’ve seen a huge difference just in that alone!

Lauren has also been a bit of a life coach and encouraged me to pursue my passions head first. She was a leading force in helping me make some of the biggest and most important decisions in my personal life, and helped me transition from my old job to now owning my own business. Lauren has helped me better understand my mind-body connection and I’ve been able to transform tremendously since we’ve begun working together! It’s been over a year working with Lauren and I’m grateful for every bit!”

Tim B
May 1, 2018

Working with Lauren was one of the best investments I could have made for my health, happiness, family and overall wellness. As a Type 1 diabetic I have struggled with blood sugar control, motivation, mood swings, self-sabotage, anxiety, and much more. I was about to become a dad and I knew I wanted my daughter to have me around for a long time. Lauren’s approach is extremely refreshing because she believes in a well-balanced life, unlike many nutritionists I have spoken to in the past. She was more than a coach, she was also a friend and supported me the entire way. During my 3 month program I was able to lower my A1C from 8.1 to 6.9, I dramatically lowered my constant anxiety, finally started working out again, and started developing more self-discipline. I would highly recommend Lauren to anyone who expects more from themselves but needs a little help to get started, thanks Lauren and the entire team!!!!

Chanel Belliveau
April 1, 2018

I came to Lauren when my diabetes was spinning out of control and I felt lost. She guided me back on the right path by teaching me how to control my diabetes with everyday changes. Since working with Lauren I have successfully lowered my A1C from 10.7 to 8.4 in the 3 months we worked together! I transitioned onto an insulin pump and brought my sugar down from 16+ to 5.0-8.0 daily. I am much happier and healthier thanks to Lauren!

Emily Johnson
March 1, 2018

If you are even considering signing up with Lauren, do it, you won’t regret it.I have had Diabetes for 24 years. It’s all I’ve ever known, which I usually say is the blessing and curse of it. Up until working with Lauren, I definitely was not caring for myself properly. Obviously, as a kid, I just wanted to be normal- same with high school, and college. But as I got older, I realized just how serious the implications of not properly managing my diabetes could be, and I doubled down on my efforts to get it under control. However, I saw little success with these efforts. I tried and tried, and it seemed like my numbers were always all over the place, always unexpected, and things just weren’t getting better. I’ve seen a number of endocrinologists, and none of them have ever been that helpful. Their advice usually starts and ends with a slight changing of basals.I was tired, frustrated, and fed up. I had an 8.0 A1C and no idea what to do about it. I came home from a doctor’s appointment after getting the A1C news and immediately started googling “how to lower your A1C.” A bunch of articles came up, but one, which featured a young, energetic, athletic young woman discussing her experiences with gaining control of her diabetes, stood out.

Enter: Lauren Bongiorno.

I signed up with Lauren for 6 months, and immediately there were improvements. Not only were the improvements encouraging, but Lauren provided insight, encouragement, and education along the way. I wasn’t just bettering my sugars and tightening my control, I was learning the WHY behind it- why certain foods were better than others in terms of diabetes management, why my sugars were going high at certain times, why past things I’d tried hadn’t worked, etc. I was gaining a holistic AND personalized understanding of Diabetes that I never had before. I’ve always been someone who works out and eats healthy, but Lauren took that to a whole new level. I gained strength, confidence, and a repertoire of easy, healthy recipes that fit with my lifestyle. The efforts were finally working.

With Lauren, I gained control- lowering my A1C from 8.0 to a 6.7, and then ultimately a 6.0 in about 6 months. But it was not just control of my diabetes that I gained. With Lauren’s guidance, I gained physical and mental strength. I gained confidence. I gained empathy and kindness towards myself, and tools I can use in order to manage my anxiety and negative self-talk. It sounds so corny, but Lauren literally changed my life. If you are even considering signing up with Lauren, do it, you won’t regret it. Lauren, I can’t thank you enough!!

Amie McCracken
February 1, 2018

Having spent years (and I mean years) hitting wall after wall and feeling so alone in my struggle with diabetes control, I didn’t think anything would actually make my diabetes work with me instead of against me. But Lauren helped me realize the things that were holding me back, helped me change my mindset, helped me take charge.

Now I know that even on the tough days I can get back on track. I went from having 4-5 out of range numbers a day to now only 1-2 per week. My A1C is down from 7.1 to 6.5 and am no longer shooting up to 400 for over treating low blood sugars.

Thank you for being my sounding board, Lauren, and for giving me my confidence back. The other aspects of my life have improved greatly because my health is up to par again

Ashley Bockett
February 1, 2018

I thought I was doing everything I could possible do to manage my life with Type 1 Diabetes. It took a long time for me to realize that the consistent high blood sugars and late night binge eating to correct lows didn’t have to be normal. After having to switch endocrinologists 3 times a year and still not making progress, I’m so happy I found Lauren.

Lauren helped me learn more about myself, more than i could have ever imagined and in such a quick period of time. Over the span of 3 months, I have lowered my A1C from 7.5 to 6.5, I have cut my insulin intake down by almost 50% ( used to take around 65 units per day and now i take 36 units per day), I am waking up between 100-110, and I am feeling better in my skin than I have in a long time. Before Lauren I wasn’t testing as much because I was afraid of the number most likely being out of range, but now I get excited to test. I’m no longer binge eating and feel so much more in control because of all that Lauren has taught me. Before i met Lauren, I was exercising almost 7 times a week but still gaining weight. I have now lost over 10 pounds just by learning and understanding how to properly fuel my body and establishing new exercise routines that are designed specifically for me.

Lauren’s positive energy made her easy to confide in and I found her to be just as much as a friend as the best health coach ever.

Emma Plehal
January 1, 2018

In the time that we worked together, Lauren was more than a coach. She was an accountability partner, a cheerleader in successes, a sounding board for frustration, and a shining example of what a beautiful life as a Type I diabetic can look like. Her sessions don’t come with a set program or plan, instead, Lauren helps you understand what patterns are taking place in your life and how they are affecting your diabetes and your overall health.

This process was a series of many small, manageable steps that added up to very big change! I’ve been Type 1 for almost 30 years, and working with Lauren turned out to be a long-overdue reboot for my health. My a1c dropped 1.5 points in 3 months- from a 8.5 to a 7.2- and I have a stronger sense of how to manage my diabetes and my general wellness, no matter what curve-balls life throws my way.

Matty Zaretsky
December 1, 2017

Since working with Lauren, I’ve been on track in achieving my fitness and wellness goals. Lauren has given me techniques that have become habit in aligning myself with more positivity despite the many stresses that come with living as a type one diabetic. Thank you Lauren for allowing me to become all I wish to be physically and mentally.

Megan N.
December 1, 2017

Lauren is an absolutely fabulous coach!!! I have been following Lauren’s story for a long time now and I applied for this program to work through some of my battles with stress, over-training, over-eating, over-drinking, etc. Unlike working with a counselor, Lauren’s holistic approach to lifestyle and health was EXACTLY what I needed but hadn't been able to get anywhere else.

Her program program helped me realize so many things about different areas of my life that needed adjustments, and we tackled each one together. I AM SO MUCH BETTER THAN BEFORE and can't imagine not having invested in myself for this program. Not only do her coaching methodologies work, but Lauren is such an authentically wonderful person and health coach to have in your corner. She is a true inspiration and I highly recommend working with her.

Jen Xanders
December 1, 2017

I had the joy to work with Lauren from November 2016 to February 2017 and it was one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I will be forever grateful to my husband who encouraged me to do this, saying all you have is your health. The year before I came to Lauren, I had removed so much from my daily diet (in a clear effort to be healthy) that eating was a chore and I keep increasing exercising thinking it would be the solution- with no positive results. Actually, my body was done with me. It had checked out. Despite being very active and strong, my body fat was getting even higher and A1c was rising (even with medicine on board).

I hesitantly enlisted a coach in Lauren. Her path, experience and knowledge seemed like a good fit and we were off. I am so grateful that Lauren quickly saw to the root of the problem and helped me, as someone who knew a lot about food and macros and carbs and insulin, to reframe my thinking and efforts. I am forever grateful for her strong and loving guidance, because I was not an easy sell. It is very scary to let go of ideas you have held to be true for a very long time and embrace things that seem counter to your entire foundation. But the rewards have far exceeded my expectations. Deepest thanks, sweet Lauren!

My results have been far beyond anything I could have expected, especially in such a short time. Prior to working with her, I felt like for 2 decades I have been at battle with my body and trying to break it into submission, to doing what I wanted it to. Ugh! How did I not see it? But since working with her, I have a much more balanced diet, love eating again, and my body has responded in amazing ways. In 3 months, I am off all medicine to improve insulin sensitivity, my A1c has dropped half a point (back to normal ranges), my post prandials have come into a normal range, my lipids dropped more than 60 pts (and they were only borderline high), I dropped 4% body fat and 4 pounds. In less than 3 months, and over the holidays to boot!! This is amazing considering I am eating 2x as much and exercising less.

As the months on my own continue to pass, my results continue to unfurl. I am amazed daily by seeing my strong and happy self emerge. I feel like sometimes you need outside eyes to help you see what you are too close to seeing, and Lauren was the perfect person for me. I cannot say thank you enough to her, for what she has giving me.“sometimes the answer we most seek lies amidst our clenched fist…”

Trista Johnson
December 1, 2017

I’ve spent a lot of time and money on various health and wellness products, coaches, and programs, so I was hesitant at first to invest in a coaching package with Lauren; however, something about her energy during our 15 minute consultation really spoke to me, and I am so glad I decided to go for it!

It was incredible to connect with someone who understood and could relate to the challenges of being a Type 1 diabetic, but our work ended up going so far beyond blood sugars and carb counting. During our three months of working together, Lauren helped me reframe some of my deepest fears that have been holding me back. She supported me as I started to question my oldest beliefs and pushed me to see my life in a new light.

Lauren got to know ME and my personal struggles and, therefore, was able to customize her coaching to exactly what I needed to start making shifts in my wellness journey as well as my life. As much as I miss talking to Lauren every other week, I am grateful that she prepared me with the tools to be my own coach as I move forward and continue to navigate the highs and lows of Type 1 diabetes and life.

Dorthee Ganzinger
December 1, 2017

I am so happy and thankful that I made the decision to work with Lauren. Through all my years as a diabetic, I have never experienced so much understanding of why my blood sugars were doing what they were. I started with a 7.3 A1C and within 3 months it was down to a 6.5. I wake up with great numbers, have less highs and lows, and I’m less stressed which helps me make better food decisions. I reached all my goals I set with Lauren and even lost the weight I’d been trying to lose. Overall I feel less pressure and stress in my life and have much more self confidence as a healthy and strong diabetic!

Heidi Godfrey
December 1, 2017

I always had a dismissive attitude through living with diabetes for 22 years. I thought, ‘perhaps if i ignore it, i don’t really have it’. I was desperate to be normal and I went through my teens and early 20’s with high A1C’s and made excuses why I couldn’t pay attention to it. Every time I had a very high A1C result, the doctors would say, ‘you need to start paying close attention to your numbers’, and I would say ‘okay, can you help me?’. We’d talk for a few minutes but ultimately I’d get the “see you in 3-6 months”.

I eventually knew that I had to get on the straight and narrow path but I knew I needed help from someone who cared and understood what I was going through. That’s when I found Lauren, my personal knightress in shining armor. I worked with Lauren for 12 months and by the end my A1C was the lowest it’s ever been in the past 20 years.

Lauren has taught me so much, and many tiny things that have made a huge difference that no one has ever told me. How this basic information has been left out from my medical caregivers, I don’t know. I finally feel like I have the drive and the tools to go about my life, taking control of my diabetes and feeling better. From the bottom of my heart, Lauren, thank you, for everything.”

Rebecca Ryan
December 1, 2017

When I was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes on November 9, 2009, I never expected that over the next seven years, I’d become so consumed by it; by the numbers, by obsessive thoughts, by anxiety around food and exercise and by dicing with diabulimia.On the outside, I’ve always kept a smile on my face. I always wanted to people to think that diabetes didn’t bother me and I was stronger than my chronic illness, but on the inside I was quietly crumbling, frustrated with myself and a bit lost.

I’ve worked with endocrinologists, GPs, clinical psychologists, diabetes nurses, nutritionists, and naturopaths. They’ve all prescribed various courses of treatment but offered little support and understanding of the underlying issues that have been preventing me from succeeding.

I went to Lauren with an A1C of 8.5% and after my first consultation with her, I knew this programme was going to be different. She has this energy that is just magnetic, she isn’t judgmental about management in the past – she motivates, educates and inspires.

It’s hard to put into words how refreshing it is to talk to someone who has diabetes and understands what you’re going through.

Within the first few weeks of working with Lauren, I was already seeing more steady blood sugar numbers and when I was seeing numbers outside of the optimal range, I was learning more about why that was happening and deconstructing the mindset I had of associating insulin and good diabetes management with weight gain.

In 6 months my A1C was down to a 7.4% and in 6 months, my A1C was down to a 6.4%!But this program was so much more than just about the numbers. Through fortnightly Skype sessions, and the email support in between, Lauren helped me to understand that there are so many factors connected to diabetes control – exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress, career, joy, relationships and the home environment – and she helped me to address a number of underlying issues and bridge the gap between knowledge and action.

She introduced me to new ideas, pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me to find balance and control coming from an empowered mindset, rather than a restrictive, fearful one. Lauren was always positive and excited by my accomplishments, which helped me be more excited and driven. I looked forward to each fortnightly Skype session and went away from them overwhelmed with positivity and determination.I wrapped up three months with Lauren having exceeded every goal we set and with a clear vision to continue.

I’m feeling less like a victim of diabetes, and more like the victor; in control of my life and more fulfilled, healthy, and happy than I ever have since being diagnosed with diabetes. Lauren – I can’t thank you enough!”

Peter Friedfeld
September 1, 2017

I was diagnosed as T1D in August 2016, after being misdiagnosed as TD2 for two years. Actually, some might say LADA, others Type 1.5. Bottom line, I was told I would need to take daily insulin injections, finger pricks, be careful when I drive, exercise, sleep, eat, work–you name it, life was going to be ‘different’.

Part of my early journey was to find a way to stay positive, stay focused, and take control of T1D rather than the other way around. I knew that exercise would be a key to my success. I was first introduced to Lauren after reading a blog post she wrote on Beyond Type 1 detailing the best ways to incorporate and manage exercise as a T1D. I also loved that Lauren was a Yogi-as I had incorporated Yoga into my life when I was first diagnosed.

I called Lauren and she explained how we could work together–and it was just what I was looking for–a personal T1D coach focused on my heath, my education, my support –teaching me how to take control, rather than being controlled by this disease. I signed up for a 3-month package and ‘met’ with Lauren (thru FaceTime) every two weeks. The first session was focused on me–with my sharing of my T1D experience, and Lauren probing me about setting new goals for myself. It took some conversation–but we established new A1C targets (under 6. 0), new fitness goals (resistance, cardio, Yoga,) travel goals and new lifestyle goals.

Working with Lauren was a great experience. At each session we reviewed my goals, and focused on my what I needed to understand better; from accurate carb counting to issues with taking my insulin. We experimented, logged, implemented and discussed everything we were trying. Lauren encouraged me to try new things–and I found new ways to achieve better BG control. Lauren excelled at analyzing my numbers and activities– and helped me understand the meaning behind the numbers. Each session ended with a ‘homework assignment’ which we reviewed together two weeks later. Her years of managing her own T1D, her education, her athleticism and persistence making for a great combination as my T1D coach.

Most important for me was knowing I was working with someone who had my back. When I had a problem that came up unexpectedly–which of course happens–she would help me figure things out. Over three months, I found myself researching more on my own, having a better understanding of how things were working, and analyzing my own results. Together–we achieved all the goals that I established including my success in reducing my A1C to 5.9, maintaining a consistent fitness program, and feeling more confident and in control of my life.

To sum it up, Lauren is professional who is dedicated to helping others achieve their goals. She is a positive, energetic and inspirational person and brings all to every session. Her knowledge, her athleticism and attitude all combine to make her a perfect coach. She understands first hand what it means to be T1D, and as many in the TD1 community is anxious to share her experiences and education to support others.”

Sophia Loyzaga
February 1, 2017

Having Lauren as my diabetic health coach is definitely the best decision I could have made after my diagnosis. The first time I talked to her my A1C was 7.8 and after signing up for her program it went down to a 6.5.

I used to feel guilty about eating and gaining weight and was scared of carbs and insulin. It wasn’t my best moment. I’m a person that loves to socialize and be in restaurants with friends and family so overall I just wasn’t happy. I think one of the most incredible parts of this program is that Lauren doesn’t just look at diabetes. She deals with all the aspects in your life to help you find balance and as a result your diabetes is positively impacted.

This program made me a much more healthier person, starting with exercise that I learned to love like cycling and yoga. I started to be mindful of what I ate without the guilt and enjoyed some not so healthy food in occasions but controlled my numbers when I did. I also learned that it is very important to educate yourself about diabetes so I read some books Lauren recommended without obsessing with them.

The best of all is that I started getting close to my true self, reading books/saying affirmations that gave me tranquility and peace of mind. The program taught me to be grateful of what I have and what I can achieve. At the end what I learned the most is that diabetes doesn't define me, It is just a part of me now, not controlling my life anymore. Im forever thankful for Lauren and would truly recommend her coaching to anyone struggling with the way they manage their diabetes.

Jaclyn Mitchell
January 1, 2017

“When I think about Lauren and what she helped me accomplish, the first word that comes to mind is “Inspirational”. I first found Lauren on Instagram and I thought to myself, “who is this girl?” and “how do I become friends with her?”. Like anyone who wants to be friends I started out the search on Facebook to discover she had a website and I did exactly what you are doing now, I read the testimonials.

Not only is Lauren inspiring in all of her social media info and posts; she herself is a Type One Diabetic. She’s not a doctor or nurse who has never lived a day in the life as a real diabetic. She knows the struggle. And, she is living proof that you can do exactly what you set your mind out to do.

Lauren helped me create goals, assigned me homework in between sessions, and over our 6 month time together we nailed each and every goal I wrote down on session 1. Before starting with Lauren my A1C was 7.7 and this was just by chance and a lot of lows that brought my average down. After all the tools, nutrition tips, and bi-monthly check ins to keep me on track and hold me accountable, by the end of our sessions together was my A1C was a 6.1. I am a firm believer in “everything happens for a reason” so if you are reading this it’s for a reason.

Go ahead and connect with Lauren- you WON’T regret taking the time for you and your diabetes management.

Tim Fox
December 1, 2016

Diagnosed a type 1 at the age of 36 was tough. My father was a type 1 and I was well aware of the dangers. Frustrated, tired, and most recently receiving an 8.0 A1C and now 40 years old, I knew I needed to make a change. I reached out to Lauren's team via the website and heard back quickly to apply. We set a date for a consultation, I enrolled, and we had our first call.

Finally someone (Lauren is a type 1 herself) who could relate to everything I was going through and help at the same time. On our first call we set my goals and I immediately started with the assignments she gave me. I knew I made the right call. Just by listening to her, and her desire to help, I knew we were in this together.

Over the course of 3 months she helped me identify patterns in my blood sugars, and took notice of how certain foods affected my blood sugars. Healthy meal plans were established as well as exercise goals. I now see things differently and I can identify patterns myself, and make changes on the fly. I have a better understanding of my disease and I am more comfortable with it. Lauren always replied to my emails in between calls and always gave me encouragement to go after my goals. So after 3 months my A1C went down to 7.3 and my lipid panels all improved! I'm on a roll and can see myself easily trending in the right direction because of the work I put in in this program.

Jude Dyson
June 1, 2016

It’s hard to sum up the massive impact that Lauren has had on my life, diabetes is such a 24/7 condition that even a small improvement can have a huge effect on day to day life! When I first got in touch with Lauren I was in a pretty desperate place, I had been living with type 1 for 13 years but had completely ignored it for most of that time. When I finally decided it was time to take control and get healthy I found myself in a mess, a terrible a1c, rollercoaster blood sugar readings and whatever I tried (and I really was trying!) to fix it just didn’t seem to work.

Lauren was fantastic though, completely open and never judgmental about my management in the past. She showed me how far I had already come and really motivated me by setting achievable goals for the future. When we first spoke I set a goal of getting my a1c under 8.0% from a 8.7% and honestly just didn’t think it was possible, but after just a few months it was 7.3% and I’ve honestly never been prouder!

Lauren works in a number of ways, making both physical and mental changes. She helped me set goals and checking in with her every 2 weeks was a brilliant way of not only keeping me focused but also showing me how well I had done. It wasn’t all easy but Lauren has an infectious positivity and each time we chatted she provided the perspective I needed to relax (a little!), reset my mind keep moving forward, she is an incredibly motivating person and managed to help me motivate myself.

Physically I have improved my insulin sensitivity (1:10 to 1:15 insulin to carb ratios and background cut from 20 units twice daily to now 12 at night and 14 in the morning) reduced my A1c and evened out my highs and lows, I’ve gone from having regular blood sugars over 20mmoll/ 360 fairly regularly to now being really alarmed to see anything over 14mmol/250. But for me the greater change has been with my mindset, when Lauren and I first spoke I felt I had no control over my diabetes but I knew I didn’t want to let it rule me. I’ve always been sporty and had a fun social life filled with eating out with friends, parties and other potential ‘challenges’ for managing blood sugar, instead of limiting any of this Lauren has shown me how to keep doing all these things but to recognise and manage the effects. I have finally learned to let go of the numbers I can’t change and learn from the ones I can, that’s the biggest change for me, diabetes is finally not the biggest stress in my life – I’ve gone from totally ignoring it to 24/7 stressing about it and I’ve finally found a happy medium.

I have a check up at my doctor next week (including an A1c test) and for the first time ever I’m excited to see my progress instead of being scared to go and I have Lauren to thank!

Constanza J

Coming into coaching, I felt a crushing doom that I would continue to live feeling the same and getting worse. I felt very alone and unable to really catch a breath with my T1D. Coach Emily was always incredibly supportive and always reminded me to celebrate my little and big wins—no matter what. In this coaching container, you as the coachee, matter. The biggest takeaway was seeing my CGM data.Though my goals were not focused on getting lower BG numbers, the fact that I was focusing on myself (being compassionate, loving and understanding) made a difference in my numbers, increasing my TIR 20%! This has been one of the best coaching experiences I’ve ever had and am so grateful for all the insights it’s brought me.